Principal experience
14 years
Most recent principal position
Elanora State High School, 2012–2021
Other experience
I have held Principal roles in 3 fantastic state schools—Biloela State High School, Keebra Park State High School and Elanora State High School. Other experience includes growth coaching and Chair of the Education Queensland International accreditation reviews.
Areas of interest
I have principal experience in both rural and metropolitan schools. I have a great interest in developing student and staff global perspectives through involvement in a range of international programs. I am also interested in the implementation of Positive Behaviour for Learning with fidelity, supporting Partnership Initiative school communities and the vast array of school community partnerships which improve student outcomes.
Why did you want to become a reviewer?
I am a strong believer that feedback is the fuel for growth and have found my involvement with School and Region Reviews—initially as a peer reviewer then as a principal, reviews—to be extremely rewarding. It is an absolute privilege to work with fellow principals and the School Improvement Tool in helping schools shape their future improvement journey.
Other interests
As a former teacher of Bahasa Indonesia, I have a strong affinity with Indonesia. I am a passionate Australian Football League fan and heavily involved in the sport of swimming with my family.