
Review types


​Every 4 years, as part of the school planning, reviewing and reporting cycle, schools are designated a school review type in consideration of their context and needs.

School review

School reviews are conducted by an School and Region Reviews​ (SRR)-appointed review team of experienced educators trained in the use of the School Improvement Tool.

Through meaningful engagement and input from school staff, students and communities, reviews involve the evaluation of evidence and practice against an internationally validated framework for school improvement.​

At the completion of a school review, the school is given a report which details key findings and improvement strategies for the school to consider further.

For a quick overview of what is involved in a school review, watch the inside a school review video.


School-led review

A school-led review consists of 2 phases:

  • evaluation conducted by the school
  • validation conducted by SRR​.

Through collaborative inquiry, school-led reviews aim to harness schools’ drive to help every student reach their potential. This evidence-informed approach empowers school leaders, in partnership with their community, to lead aspects of the review process.

As part of the school-led evaluation, schools appoint their own team and use the School Improvement Tool to develop a school-led evaluation report.

After the school conducts their evaluation, SRR leads a validation school visit to confirm the school's findings and recommendations.

The school is given a report validating the school’s next steps and/or providing additional feedback.

Differentiated and place-based reviews

A small number of schools may engage in a differentiated or place-based review type in consideration of their unique context—these reviews are conducted by SRR in collaboration with the school community.

Partnership Initiative reviews support schools in complex communities by collaborating with partners and across government. At the completion of the collaborative review process, SRR leaders and review team visit the community to share the report findings, improvement strategies and community considerations.

An educational precinct is a group of schools and partners who take a collective and coordinated approach to planning, resourcing and designing responses to address challenges and meet the needs of children and young people within their precinct. At the completion of the collaborative review process, a report is provided for the region, school and community to collaboratively consider and respond to.

Region reviews

SRR previously undertook regional reviews from 2019 to 2022 as part of Queensland’s bilateral agreement under the National School Reform Agreement. The reviews focused on the role regions play in supporting schools and early childhood education and care services.

Since 2023, SRR has provided evidence from reviews to inform the department’s regional performance and assessment process.

Last updated 08 August 2024